

Too often those who would exploit captive wild, and wild animals alike achieve their goals by manipulating the public through a combination of “feel good” media–often involving direct interaction between humans and captive wild animals–and misinformation as to what is happening, and what results will be achieved. Once the public has become attached to a figure, they are less likely to change their opinion, even in the face of hard facts and evidence which counters the misinformation they were first mistakenly trusted in.

In order to provide readers with facts uncolored by emotion, or personal opinion, CWW endeavors to commit in-depth research, and make available multiple sources backing up what we write. We will draw sharply defined lines between what is exploitation and what is not. There can be no blurred edges or gray in-between where exploitation is concerned. Making such allowances is what has created a world in which the use of trained animals in circuses is banned as unacceptable, while individuals on social media are lauded as ‘conservationists’ for using trained animals to create their own media content, or commercial ad campaigns.

By in depth analytical writing you, the public, will be able to make informed decisions.