Captive Wildlife Watchdog

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Taigan Park's Yearly Crowd Pleaser

Crimea - Taigan Park's Yearly Crowd Pleaser - A Dangerous Yearly Event

Taigan Park's yearly event is about to take place.

Animal advocates await with horror when on April 20 Zubkov releases his predators to begin their bloody battle for survival.

Visitors to the Park also await eagerly for this event but for different reasons. To them, this is entertainment. Just like in Roman times when christians were thrown into the arena to be eaten by lions while the specators jeered, this scenario has similar tones to it but without the barbarity of humans being thrown into a ring to be eaten by lions. Here we see apex predators fighting for their survival.

Zubkov's blatant disregard of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the protection of animals and children is clearly evident in the Taigan Safari Park, which is a branch of the Yalta Zoo Tale.

In the town of Belogorsk of the Republic of Crimea, a true concentration camp for animals called Taigan Safari Park was built by the mediocre man Zubkov Oleg Alekseevich. Zubkov does not comply with a single law of the Russian Federation, and in every way throws mud at at authority. Zubkov's park is dangerous. Many visitors have been attacked. It is only a matter of time when someone will die. No supervisory authority will stop this illegal activity. Everything that is negative in keeping animals is collected in this concentration camp. The "artistic" tendencies, as Zubkcov himself describes, are out of control.

Zubkov has ammassed, in many cases, illegally obtained large predators, not understanding their elementary habits and ignoring their behaviours. Zubkov artificially creates prides of lions, contrary to nature and the animals themselves. Zubkov annually organizes mass killings of lions, driving completely foreign animals to illegally occupy areas of 10-12 hectares and arranges bloody shows for adults and children.

Breeding dozens of lions and lionesses, and forcing them into prides, arranging bloody battles for entertainment. But lions are congenital killers and man is completely unable to control these big predators. Zubkov arranges events with 100% animal injuries and does not hide this illegal activity, which violates Federal Law 498 "On Responsible handling of animals "Article 11, clause 1 and 2 pp 2, 5, 6. All the activities of this concentration camp is in complete violation of these laws.

All the laws of nature and humane treatment of animals are violated. With the release of a large number of lions in a small closed area causes bloody fights to the death. They have no where to run to escape or hide. Animals are covered with rotting and bloody wounds all over their bodies. Huge numbers of spectators, including children, are watching the battles of large predators taking place, which is contrary to FZ 436 “On protecting children from information harmful to their health and development” (Article 5, paragraph 2, 3). Children often witness the animals killing each other, eating newborn lion cubs by adult lions. This causes irreparable harm to the weak, childish psyche.

There are numerous photos and videos uploaded by visitors of the safari park and the owner himself in various social networks, confirming the above facts of animal abuse. In particular, Zubkov himself has admitted that every year up to a dozen lions die in fights.

This is the life for these animals in this horrifying concentration camp.